The realities of the war in Libya
.Автор ورفلي ناجي, написано 10 Сентябрь 2011 г. в 1:35.The realities of the war in Libya

The cloud of moral and martial law-of-manism sprayed by our politicians on the war in Libya conceals a number of realities it is worth remembering.

1) The "revolt" Libya has nothing to do with the popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab states. It is an opposition political rivals Gaddafi, prepared and maintained overseas for strategic reasons (such as "color revolutions" in the Middle East), and very different from the spontaneous mass demonstrations against the injustices and social inequalities almost feudal regimes.

2) A detail should be noted: the home of the "rebellion" - the eastern Libya, Cyrenaica - is recommended targets religious and monarchical (completely absent from other insurgencies) and has sent more men to fight the 'US-led invasion in Iraq than any other Arab countries.

3) The war on Qaddafi is not a humanitarian expedition. It is only episode in the hunt for heads of state of medium size (Russia and China is too big pieces)-resistant New World Order, which must be removed one after the other. Ceausescu, Milosevic, Noriega, Saddam Hussein have been. Ahmadinejad, Lukashenko, Gbagbo, Chavez is in focus. They did-and did - nothing in common except for their insubordination, which is enough to designate them as targets.

4) The war of course as a core issue of control sources of oil and gas. To give an idea of its importance, the English giant BP has more than 15 billion dollars in offshore operating agreements with Libya.

5) Gaddafi probably many faults, but he also shared in the people part of the oil windfall. For example, Libya has the best Human Development Index (HDI) across Africa.

6) The concept of interference "humanitarian" has advanced: it has become totally preventive. It is still based on lies (the "ethnic cleansing" by Milosevic or the "weapons of mass destruction" of Saddam), but now it is justified by a simple intention. Bother to say "the criminal has committed crimes (even invented), it suffices to say that he will commit. Gaddafi has not killed anyone, but it will drown in a Benghazi bloodbath.

7) The so-called mandate of the Arab League has been "voted" by only 11 members present at the meeting (of 22) of which two - Syria and Algeria - have spoken out against. The mainstream media have completely ignored the strong negative resolution of the African Union, which has 53 member countries, and decided against any intervention, even against all no-fly.

8) The Warrior unanimously proclaimed by the media and Sarkozy's orders is a myth: Germany, Italy, Russia, China, Turkey, other countries of the European Union, Venezuela and a large part of Latin America have expressed strong reservations. Even the secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, has returned to its first agreement.

9) The depth of the chasm separating people from their leaders - that I described in my last two books - is found again: in Britain, for example, members of the House of Commons approved the military commitment English by 557 votes against 13, while a survey showed at the same time that 54% of respondents were opposed to their soldiers die for Libyan insurgents and 43% disapproved of the air strikes.

10) The first agreement of the Arab League was the result of a market, a message to the various heads of state almost feudal you justify our intervention in exchange, you close your eyes on your crushing of popular uprisings . The result of violent repression in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Morocco, some similar to those alleged against Gaddafi. And a recovery in hands carefully calculated in Tunisia and Egypt.

11) The ambassadors of the EU countries remained in Tripoli (Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Netherlands, Malta and Cyprus - the others being parties) have argued, on March 8, Gaddafi's proposal to create an independent UN commission to investigate charges of abuse of human rights in Libya. She got no response.

12) Whatever the reassurances, war caused civilian casualties, either by killing them directly or by destroying the infrastructure of their country, the dead are often more numerous than those caused by the "tyrant" that can combat . The ruins of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq are there to testify.