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Обращение Каддафи к народу 20.09.2011

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Gaddafi speech today translated by اسكندر بيك

The Politics regime in Libya is the regime of people's power that practiced by all Libyan men and women in Popular Conferences , People's Committees , and this regime will never fail .
the regime which's Embodied in Millions of Libyans can't be failed however , and who drawl and say the regime of Gaddafi is fail this reason to laugh , it's so ridicule , Gaddafi has no regime to be failed .
Gaddafi is out of the power since 1977 when i handed the power to the people , then the Aljamahyria raised up , and it's enough when 2000 tribes met and the declared that Libyan people can't be Represents by anyone .
that was answer for NATO when they said the CNT from Benghazi Represents Libyans so they answer Libyan people is here and nobody can Represents us .
So no Legitimacy to anything only to the Power of people , no Legitimacy only the popular conferences and the people's committees that all Libyan people is members there , anything else is just false , and we are ready to die for the power of the people this is what Libyans said and there are die now .
So don't be happy that there is regime failed , because your Legitimacy is hanging with NATO air sticks when it's leave you will leave too .


Вы здесь » Литературный форум. Клуб писателей - "Золотое перо" » За чашкой кофе...о разном » Обращение Каддафи к народу 20.09.2011